Bearded Dragon Diet - The Basics

Bearded Dragon Diet - The Basics

The diet of a bearded dragon is based on its natural habitat. These lizards originate from the Australian deserts, where food is scarce. As a result, they have evolved to prefer a combination of vegetables and meat. Bearded dragons enjoy leafy greens and occasional insects.

It is important to provide a variety of vegetables to avoid beta-carotene deficiency. Yellow vegetables like carrots, squash, mustard greens, and dandelions are recommended. Fruit can also be included in their diet, such as apples, peaches, melons, grapes, strawberries, and raspberries.

Insects should be included regularly in their diet. Mealworms are not recommended because of their hard exoskeleton, which can cause digestive problems. Better choices are crickets, locusts, silkworms, butterworms, or phoenix worms. Roaches, particularly the Dubia Cockroach, have also become a popular choice.

When feeding live food, be sure to never give anything larger than the width of their mouth to avoid health issues. Younger dragons require more insects than adults, but be careful not to feed anything that may cause injury.

Adding multi-vitamins to their diet is also recommended, but be sure to follow the directions carefully. Vitamin D is best acquired through sunlight.

Fresh water should always be available in a shallow dish to prevent tipping.